Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Daddy Dearest.....a few days late!

It's been crazy around here the past few days (our a/c apparently wanted to stop working, and it's 106º every day this week, so we're working hard to get that fixed!), and I missed posting this on Sunday.  Sorry for the delay!


Dear Daddy,

Thank you for always "being there," even when you're at work.  Thank you for keeping us, your family, at the center of your world.

Thank you for making us a priority.  Always.

Thank you for being goofy with us and being willing to get in on the fun.

Thank you for making us smile.

Thank you for encouraging us to try new things.

Thank you for making us feel safe and secure, enough to be brave.

And on those times that we don't feel as brave and courageous...thank you for being by our side to support our journey.

But more than anything else, thank you for loving us so deeply and unconditionally.    We couldn't ask for a better dad - you are the perfect dad for us!

We love you, Daddy!

*** your rascals***