I can say, without a doubt, that this was the most fun road trip we've ever taken - and we've taken A LOT of road trips. Getting into the car and hitting the road with picnic meals planned (ask about the time we grilled pork chops in a park-n-ride parking lot!) is honestly our favourite family activity. We LOVE road trips.
But this one took the cake - the scavenger hunt was a BLAST! While we didn't manage to find everything on the list, we did find quite a few. Some of the items (that we saw from the road) we weren't able to snap a picture of, so you'll have to take our word that we found them! The rest, however.....have photos to prove our accomplishments!
To refresh your memories, here is the final scavenger hunt list:
In no particular order, here are some of the items that we found:
Red Barn, somewhere in Oklahoma |
Another red barn - also in Oklahoma, but it was easier to see the redness! |
red leaves!!! |
The Hudson River |
First Maine license plate - in Connecticut at a rest area |
welcome to Maine sign |
Pine trees! |
The Atlantic Ocean is out there - this is the Portland Harbor , so it leads out to the ocean |
Frisbee stuck in a tree! (Courtesy of some playtime at Nanny's house in PA) |
The black markings are tiny waterfalls, along the cut rocks in PA |
Portsmouth, NH, welcome center |
A treehouse we spotted just down the road from our Maine house - and yes, I randomly pulled into their driveway to take a picture. I'm part-stalker, apparently. ;-) |
Oklahoma City Memorial |
Oklahoma City Memorial |
Old Cathedral in St Louis, with the Gateway Arch behind it |
Mommy and boys at the Arch |
The Mississippi River, in St Louis |
Finally, our house in Maine!
It was a lot of fun, and our completed scavenger hunt list looked like this:
Thankfully, it didn't snow, so we didn't get a picture of that. We tried valiantly to get a honey bee hive, especially after finding out that Albuquerque is a "bee friendly" city, but we couldn't find any to go visit. We talked to the Bee Keepers Association there, and it turns out that all the hives are on private property, and they couldn't find anyone who could give us a tour. :-( A little bummed, but I understood!
I totally meant to go out after the kiddos went to bed while we were visiting Nanny and Poppy (Heidi's parents) in Pennsylvania to find some Amish baked goods and a steak and cheese (yum!)......but I kind of fell asleep on the couch. I guess I was tired out by then!!
Because we visited my parents on the way, it meant we didn't head down through NYC, so we weren't able to get those things on the list. However, we have plans to go down for Thanksgiving, so we'll try to catch up then!! haha
Overall, I'd say we did pretty well with the list, and it definitely made the trip fun. We probably wouldn't have seen some of these things (specifically the Arch and the memorial) without you guys suggesting them, and I'm SO glad that we did - they were some of my favourite memories from the road trip! Definitely some places we'd like to go back and visit a bit longer!!
So thanks for the fun, and THANK YOU for helping us build these memories! You guys rock!
Well, Heidi, Mike and the boys are safely ensconsed in their cute little house in the woods of Maine and are we ever grateful to have them back. I just donated to the Reeces Rainbow for Peter's adoption .. please help by giving what you can, whenever you can...